THE restoration of the Northern Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) is progressing well, with noticeable improvement of treated effluent (wastewater) being discharged. The Northern Works receives domestic and industrial effluent. This follows an oversight visit to the WWTW by Head of the eThekwini Water and Sanitation Unit Ednick Msweli on 31 July to assess the progress of repairs.
The plant is a hive of activity with the contractor working round the clock to ensure that effluent released from the plant aligns with water quality regulations and prevents contamination of the Umgeni River. Some of the interventions that have been implemented to improve quality of effluent and prevent contamination of the environment includes dredging of maturation pond sludge. The facility employs a system of ponds for further treatment and polishing of the final effluent prior to its release into the river. There are five ponds with a total of four kilometres combined. Periodic dredging of these ponds is necessary to mitigate the accumulation of solid substances within the process.
Removal of surface vegetation and the repair of embarkment is also in progress. The Northern Works was damaged during the floods, which left the plant nonoperational as the entire facility was submerged underwater. The City undertook minor emergency repairs to partially bring the plant online (operational) while major refurbishments were being prepared. The contractor undertaking the major refurbishment commenced work earlier this year. The project cost R500 million and is expected to be completed in 2027. Refurbishment is being undertaken in different phases. This includes enhancing the quality of the effluent being discharged, repairs of damaged components of the 50 megalitres a day (Ml/d) and 20 Ml/d plants to enable the full plant capacity of 70 Ml/d, sludge handling and disposal. Cleaning of aerated de-gritters, functional repairs, and augmentation of the works to achieve maximum plant capacity are also being done.
Msweli was impressed with the progress that has been made to date. He said the unit is also focusing on ensuring that nearby wastewater pumpstations are operational to prevent contamination of the environment. He said the theft and vandalism of electrical equipment at nearby pumpstations are the biggest challenges. This criminality then often results in the pumpstation overflowing into the river. “The City will continue to employ various interventions to prevent contamination and test water quality which is currently being done,” he added.